Founder and CEO of Intellifox. Conrad is a former Amazon seller and a Senior Software Engineer with more than 10 years of experience. He has helped 1000+ small companies on Amazon through the tools he created since 2019.
The ultimate Amazon product listing optimization guide for small companies​

The customer path on Amazon – how they discover and order your products

The listing optimization game on Amazon starts by understanding how customers discover and order your products. I mean… that’s even the marketing game from beginning to end. You have to put yourself in the shoes of your customers, in order to understand what they are going to go through, what they are going to see. […]

The ultimate Amazon product listing optimization guide for small companies​

External factors that impact your product listings on Amazon

Now that you have a killer product with a well-defined niche, some external factors can still affect your business. Let’s take a look at some of them. Strong competition vs. weak competition It’s all about timing.Are you entering a niche too soon? Not enough traffic.Too late? You will struggle to take your place. Low competition […]

The ultimate Amazon product listing optimization guide for small companies​

If you sell the wrong product, you’re wasting your money and your time

If you’re running a small company, what differentiates you from a big one is your limited budget. Therefore you have a limited number of mistakes you can make before going bankrupt. The startup principle is “build the airplane before you crash.” If you’re reading this guide, it means you want to increase the chances of […]